appleApple蘋果Apple CarPlayis a handy feature that combines the functionality of your iPhone with the audio system and infotainment dashboard of your vehicle. It allows you to safely control music, navigation, and messaging while you drive.Apple CarPlay是一種便捷的功能,將iPhone的功能與車輛的音頻系統和信息娛樂儀表板結合在一起。 它使您可以在開車時安全地控制音樂,導航和消息傳遞。
To use CarPlay,you connect your iPhone to your car or motorcycle via a wired (usually Lightning-to-USB) or wireless connection. Your iPhone then takes over the touch screen interface on your vehicle’s dashboard.要使用CarPlay,請通過有線(通常是Lightning-to-USB)或無線連接將iPhone連接到汽車或摩托車。 然后,您的iPhone將接管車輛儀表板上的觸摸屏界面。
From there, you can control apps that support the special CarPlay interface with touch, buttons, or knobs. You can alsouse voice control with Sirito perform other tasks.從那里,您可以使用觸摸,按鈕或旋鈕來控制支持特殊CarPlay界面的應用。 您還可以將語音控制與Siri一起使用以執行其他任務。
If you’re familiar withGoogle’s Android Auto, you’ll be right at home with CarPlay.如果您熟悉Google的Android Auto,那么CarPlay就是您的家。
(Which iPhones Support CarPlay?
(圖/文/攝:太平洋汽車網 問答叫獸)
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