舉世矚目的中外汽車行業盛會——第八屆北京國際汽車工業展覽會(Auto China 2004)將按原計劃于2004年6月9日至16日在北京隆重舉行。本屆展覽會將以中國國際展覽中心為主會場,并將以相距三公里的全國農業展覽館為分會場,總規模將達十二萬平方米。
兩年一屆定期舉辦的北京國際汽車工業展覽會(Auto China)由中國汽車工業總公司和中國國際貿易促進委員會于1990年共同創辦,至今已走過十四年的發展歷程。Auto China參展客商由400家增加到1,200家,展出面積由20,000平方米增加到80,000平方米,觀眾流量由80,000人次增加到410,000人次,與會中外記者由50多位增加到1,600多位。Auto China得到了世界知名汽車及零部件制造商的熱情加盟和國內各大汽車集團的積極參與,并以其展品的科技水平、環保水平、創新程度倍受國內外觀眾的關注。Auto China是中國最具權威性、最有影響力的國際汽車展覽會。
Auto China對于促進中外汽車業的交流和合作,推動中國汽車工業的發展,促進中國汽車市場的繁榮,擴大國際汽車貿易起到了積極的作用。Auto China十四年的發展歷程也是見證中國汽車業不斷發展和騰飛的過程。
我們相信Auto China 2004必將以其強大的參展陣容、精選的最新產品、濃厚的文化氣息、悉心的組織策劃吸引更多的經銷商和消費者觀眾,為參展客商與經銷商交流合作、在消費群體中樹立良好的品牌形象、提升品牌競爭力搭建一個良好的平臺。
The 8th Beijing International Automotive Industry Exhibition (Auto China 2004)
Will be solemnly held in June,2004
September 25, 2003
We are pleased to inform you that 8th Beijing International Automotive Industry Exhibition (Auto China 2004), the grand gathering of world auto industry, will be held as scheduled from June 9 to 16, 2004 in Beijing, China. Auto China 2004 will use China International Exhibition Center (CIEC) as the main venue, and National Agricultural Exhibition Center (3 kilometers away from CIEC) as the sub-venue. The total space of Auto China 2004 will reach 120,000 square meters.
Auto China, held once every two years, was jointly founded by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and China National Automotive Industry Corporation (CNAIC) in 1990. In the past 14 years, Auto China has become the dominant auto show in China. Its number of exhibitors has increased from 400 to 1,200, exhibiting space from 20,000 to 80,000 square meters, total visitors from 80,000 to 410,000 and number of media coverage from 50 to 1,600. Auto China has brought together world leading automobile and parts manufacturers as well as domestic auto group companies. It has attracted a grand mass of visitors home and abroad with its high-tech, environment-protecting and innovative exhibits. Auto China has been proved to be the most authoritative and influential auto show in China.
Auto China plays an active role in enhancing the exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and foreign auto industries, in pushing forward the development of the auto industry of China, advancing the prosperity of China’s auto market and promoting international auto trade. The 14-year developing course of Auto China has witnessed the continuous progress and soaring of China’s auto industry.
We believe that with well-selected new products, a strong cultural atmosphere and our elaborate planning and services, Auto China 2004 shall provide a good opportunity for the exhibitors to exchange ideas and renew trade relations with their partners of cooperation in China. Participation in Auto China 2004 will surely help build up brand image further among the consumers and to strengthen product competitiveness.
For participation, please conact:
China Automotive Industry Int’l Corp. China Int’l Exhibition Center Group Corp.