據美國FOREIGN COMMERCIAL SERVICE報道:比利時汽車后市場前景廣闊,仍然需要大力開發,美國產品還要大批量進入。
The Belgian auto accessories market holds significant opportunities for
American companies. While five million vehicles in Belgium represent a small
market, relative to the US, it is open to American products. The most important consideration for American exporters to keep in mind in creating auto-related goods for the European market is that design must fit European specifications and style.
Consideration must also be given to the size and structure of vendors in the market. Sale volumes and freight terms often required by American suppliers create obstacles to enter the Belgian market. Typically, a full sea container load may be too big for initial orders.
Belgian GDP growth is 3.5%, inflation is low at 1.3% and Belgian disposable income is up. Belgian consumers are buying more auto accessories in general,and they are spending more on the items purchased.
Statistics specific to the auto accessory market are difficult to obtain
because often the figures are rolled into the broader category of auto parts.
In addition, the definition of auto accessory changes with trends. According
to key industry vendors, the current market is estimated at more than $85
million (calculation attributes to accessories 60% of BF 6 billion/ $146.34
million auto parts and accessories after market. Exchange rate used equals 41
American brands have a solid reputation in Belgium, yet the market presence of American auto accessories is very low. This situation is not due to lack of demand, but rather to a lack of supply. For auto accessories produced outside of Europe, Belgian vendors are often unable to meet the minimum quantities that American suppliers require. This hurdle can be overcome by consolidating cargo for two or more consignees, for example, to a single logistics center in the Benelux.
The Belgian market for auto accessories is not only small but also fragmented; no single vendor can afford the support structure to manage adequate import processing and logistics. Vendors that contract directly for third party logistics or purchase from product agents or importers run into problems in offering competitive pricing. The following are typical mark-up percentages in the Belgian distribution structure:
A. From the agent or importer to the distributor: 22%.
B. From the distributor to the dealer or retailer: 27%.
C. From the dealer or retailer to the consumer: 45%.
Belgian consumers pay 21 % value added tax (VAT); however, VAT should not be included in export pricing calculation.
Belgian vendors welcome the opportunity to buy American products when
suppliers, at least initially, offer reduced minimums as well as CIF delivery
and pricing instead of FOB.
After-market auto accessories are distributed to consumers through a variety of channels including the following:
One large specialized chain Auto 5 - key player in the Belgian auto accessory market controlling approximately 50% of the market
Small independent auto shops
Auto dealers
Gas stations
The Belgian car market is growing at a strong rate. According to the Belgian Federation of the Automotive Industry, new car sales increased 8.3% in 1999 to reach 489,621 units. Concurrently, 83,009 commercial vehicles were sold in 1999, posting a 13.4% rise. Households average 2-3 cars each and family members are spending more time in their cars both commuting and vacationing, an average of one to two hours a day. Car purchases by younger Belgians have increased, prompting a growth in the youth driver market.
Overwhelmingly, Belgians prefer manual transmissions, which comprise more than 90% of cars sold. Higher fuel efficiency of diesel engines and the lower cost of diesel fuel (about 30% belowgasoline prices) drive demand for diesel
engines. Diesels now represent 55% of all new cars in Belgium. As for engine
size, 85% of cars sold in Belgium have a cylinder capacity between 1.2 and 2 l.
The size of cars being purchased is diverging. Small cars remain popular;
however, larger sized mini-vans, locally called mono-space, are increasing
their appeal to families. There are a few late model U.S. vehicles on the roads in Belgium. Some current models such as the Chrysler Voyager (particularly the diesel-powered model assembled in Austria), and Jeep sell well in this market.
In some cases, professional car dealers, as well as individuals, travel to the U.S. to buy sport utility vehicles (SUV) or pick-up trucks because of their typical American look. However, those numbers are still marginal.
Typically though, the types of cars purchased in Belgium sharply contrast with those models popular in the US. For instance, while powerful pick-up trucks lead sales in the US, there are a minimal number of pick-ups of any kind in Belgium. Of the 4.5 million cars on the road in Belgium the following
illustrates the breakdown by country of origin:
European 70%*
Japanese 25%
Korean 2%
Russian 2%
American-made* 1%
Others (Czech Republic, Poland).
*Please note that American cars made in Europe are classified as European.
The top three new car models purchased on the Belgian market in 1999 are as follows:
1. Opel Astra* 24,209
2. VW Golf 22,905
3. Renault Megane 19,071